Summer Reading Zones
In 2019, with the assistance of the Community Foundation of the Dan River Region and the Womack Foundation, BookEnds created the Summer Reading Zone concept. We create literacy-rich environments where kids can come talk about books and characters they like, engage in book-related games and crafts, have books read to them, and read as many books as they want. The kids also get to take one book home to keep each week. There are participation prizes for coming and achievement prizes for reaching reading goals. Reading zones are open one day a week for six weeks during the summer at select locations in the city of Danville.
Be A Hero
The Be A Hero program promotes volunteerism in fans of heroic fiction by fostering a community passionate about heroism in literature and matching community members to opportunities to serve their neighbors. Whether it is aficionados of super-hero movies and books, Dungeons & Dragons players, or fans of anime, thriller series, or other hero-driven works, Be A Hero seeks to make them our community’s heroes. Be A Hero also promotes child literacy through comic books.
How you can help: Contact or 434-548-3373 if you are interested in a volunteer opportunity in our area.
Each year, BookEnds devotes one Book Talk in October to a horror themed book or collection of books for a focus on a spooky read for the season. Horror fans get together to eat and discuss the genre that gets their blood curdling.
Spring & Fall Book Talks
BookEnds is proud to carry on the 30 year tradition of Book Talks. Beginning with the Wednesday Club and YMCA, the Spring and Fall Book Talks moved to the Danville Public Library to the Friends of the Danville Public Library, and ultimately to BookEnds. Community members present a short talk on a book that moved them in a powerful way.
Haunted Book Talk
Six Book Summer
After two successful years of operating Reading Zones, BookEnds developed a sister program designed to benefit a larger number of children in the region. We created the 6 Book Summer campaign to educate the public on the importance of reading at least six books over the summer, highlight opportunities within the community to assist children to reach that goal, and to distribute thousands of books to children in Danville, Pittsylvania County, and Caswell County. The 6 Book Summer initiative consists of a marketing and educational campaign, parental resources, support for existing programs, and a number of book distribution models throughout the summer.
Halloween in the Old West End Lanternfest (HOWEL)
BookEnds was one of the founding organizations that created the Halloween in the Old West End Lanternfest (HOWEL), a unique Halloween festival that is a crowd pleaser. Devised as a fun festival for the community that also gives nonprofits a chance to connect with the community, HOWEL ties all the various Halloween events in the Old West End together. HOWEL offers fire dancing, unique vendors and hobbyists, food trucks, face painting, games and activities, contests, and live music.
BookEnds was one of the founding organizations that created the Halloween in the Old West End Lanternfest (HOWEL), a unique Halloween festival that is a crowd pleaser. Devised as a fun festival for the community that also gives nonprofits a chance to connect with the community, HOWEL ties all the various Halloween events in the Old West End together. HOWEL offers fire dancing, unique vendors and hobbyists, food trucks, face painting, games and activities, contests, and live music.
One of our most beloved traditions, Of Ghosts and Stories combines old fashioned ghost stories, Halloween-themed music from a live band, and macabre artwork to put you in the mood for Halloween. If you loved Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, this event is for you.
How you can help: Attend our events, sponsor or donate to an event, or volunteer your time helping out at one of our events. If you are interested in telling a story for Of Ghosts and Stories or would like to know how you can volunteer at HOWEL, email or call 434-548-3373.